X. How Anime/Manga Started

by 12:38 AM 0 comments
I'm sure you've seen those characters with beautiful massive round eyes, colorful hairs, and amazing body structures. Just in case you don't what it is called, let me give you more information. Japanese animation, also known as anime, is a popular type of animation that is spreading like wild fire throughout the globe. The difference between Japanese anime with the western cartoon is that Japanese anime's target audience is not for kids alone. Anime is popular to many teenagers and adults. Same applies to the Japanese comics known as Manga.

In order to understand Anime, a look into the history is important. The best place to start is around World War II, since that was the time when the anime and manga industry evolved significantly. Around 1940, many organizations for artists were formed; among them were Shin Nippon Mangaka Kyokai (New Cartoonists Association of Japan) and Shin Mangaka Shudan (New Cartoonists Faction Group). The government used those who were not banned from work and not in the army in influence the people through their artwork filled with propaganda to use against the nation's enemies. The propaganda films that were made during the World War II were Momotaro no Umiwashi and Momotaro: Umi no Shinpei.

The first generation of animators in the late 1910s and also known as the fathers of anime were Oten Shimokawa, Jun'ichi Kouchi and Seitaro Kitayama. Oten Shimokawa was a political caricaturist and cartoonist who worked for a magazine Tokyo Puck. He was hired by Tenkatsu, who was an active Japanese Film studio, to do an animation for them. Due to medical reasons, he was only able to animate 5 movies, including Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki (1917). Jun'ichi Kouchi was carcicaturist and a painter. He entered the cartoonist section in 1912 and was hired for an animation by Kobayashi Shokai in 1916. His works include around 15 movies and he is viewed as the most technically advanced Japanese animator in 1910s. Seitaro Kitayama is different from the two mangaka I mentioned earlier for he was not hired by large companies and made animation on his own. He founded his own animation studio which is Kitayama Eiga Seisakujo, but later closed due to lack of commercial issues.
Oten Shimokawa
Jun'ichi Kouchi
Seitaro Kitayama

Anime never stopped evolving and still creating better animation every season of the year that you should look forward to.



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