XIV. Media Literacy Seminar

by 2:12 PM 0 comments

I did not expect to enjoy the seminar. At first, I was really happy just because we wont have class for the day, but there something more than that. The seminar was really eye opening especially to those people who have their hearts open since the beginning. The only reason why I tried listening because our gramcom prof said that we will have a quiz regarding the topic. I am not into writing much, but I learned so much from them.

The first speaker talked about how to write stories effectively. She gave us tips and tricks that might help us in the future. We all know that The famous 5W and 1H  formula to get all the necessary information for a certain topic, but what everyone always forget is the question "So What?" Why should the reader care? Answering that question will definitely improve your writing skill. She also shared to us the Art of Interview . And here they are:

1. Embrace the silence
2. Do not be afraid to play dumb
3. Takes notes for more questions
4. Research is a process of gathering data, not a result
5. Start strong. Eng Stronger.

The second speaker spoke about the social issues which really caught my attention so much that I wasn't able to write any notes at all. I was so impressed with the things she discussed. She is not against entertainment but people has the power under our finger tips that we can help people around the globe. The media only feeds the people what they want, that's why more important topics were being put aside because we're too focus on the entertainment especially AlDub when we could have been saving people lives.

The last speaker discussed the role of the media and advocacy journalism. The media has three roles: to inform, to educate and to entertain. While advocacy journalism, should always look at all the sides of the issue to promote fairness. Corroboration is important as well as the two source rule. She talked more about raising awareness and presenting news.

The seminar was really good. I had fun.



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